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We’re working to increase national prosperity by making Canadian tech entrepreneurs globally competitive.

Located in the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, the Lazaridis Institute is rapidly becoming a global authority in the management of high growth technology companies.

Scale-Up Program: We support the most promising Canadian tech frms to scale

Our Research: We investigate how tech frms successfully move from start-up to stay-up to scale-up inglobal markets

Our National Data Platform: A one-of-a-kind information source on- and for- Canadian tech firms

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Lazaridis10 | COHORT 2

The second cohort of the Scale-Up Program includes 10 Canadian companies facing inflection points in their growth trajectories. Their technologies range from bionic knee braces and biopesticides, to digital marketing, groceries, tickets and transportation – to name a few.