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The Internet-of-Things: Review and Research Directions

Ng, I CL and S YL Wakenshaw (2017). The Internet-of-Things: Review and Research Directions, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 24, 3-21.

This paper presents a review of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) through four conceptualizations: IoT as liquification and density of information of resources; IoT as digital materiality; IoT as assemblage or service system; and IoT as modules, transactions, and service. From the conceptualizations, we provide a definition of IoT and present its implications and impact on future research in Marketing that interfaces with information systems, design and innovation, data science and cybersecurity, as well as organizational studies and economics. By integrating the implications of IoT with extant literature, we then propose a set of priorities for future research in this area.

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